Keep Your CSI Metal Detectors in Top Condition and Your Officers Trained with KellyCo!

Keep Your CSI Metal Detectors in Top Condition and Your Officers Trained with KellyCo!

Are you a law enforcement department on Long Island? Do you need to ensure that your metal detectors are in top working condition and that your officers are properly trained in their use? If so, then you need to take advantage of our free inspection offer in association with KellyCo, the leader in law enforcement metal detector sales.

We understand that law enforcement agencies have tight budgets. That’s why we’re offering this free inspection to help you keep your metal detectors in top shape without having to spend a penny.

Our inspection will include a thorough check of all of the components of your metal detector, including the coil, the control box, and the batteries. We’ll also test the detector’s sensitivity and make sure that it’s working properly.

If we find any problems with your metal detector, we’ll let you know and recommend repairs or replacement parts. We’ll also give you tips on how to maintain your metal detector so that it lasts for years to come.

In addition to our free inspection, we’re also offering free training or refresher classes on metal detecting for law enforcement. These classes will teach your officers how to use metal detectors effectively and safely. They’ll also learn how to identify different types of metal objects and how to interpret metal detector signals.

To schedule a free inspection or training class, simply Email us today. We’ll be happy to help you keep your metal detectors in top working condition and your officers properly trained so that you can keep Long Island safe.

Call us today to schedule a free inspection or training class. We’ll help you keep Long Island safe.